Kamis, 05 April 2007

5 Apr 07 Additionally, you can specify a third thejubilee

5 Apr 07

Additionally, you can specify a third, optional parameter for the duplicateMovieClip( ) method. This parameter is known as the initialization object, and the properties and values of the initialization object are assigned to the new instance. The parameter value should be in the form of an ActionScript Object object, which you can create one of two ways: <http://greateventsupport.com/filezilla/file-views/index.html>
· Using the constructor and assigning properties and values via dot notation:
· var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
· oInitialization.property1 = "value1";
· oInitialization. property2 = "value2;

· Using the object literal notation:
· var oInitialization:Object = { property1: "value1", property2: "value2"};

Both of these techniques are absolutely valid, and neither is better than the other. Sometimes you may find that you want to use the object literal notation, because it allows you to create the object in line with the duplicateMovieClip( ) method:
mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, { property1: "valeu1",
property2: "value2"});

However, in other cases, the object literal notation is either inconvenient or impossible. Generally, the more properties you want to assign to an object, the more it makes sense to use the constructor technique, because it offers a much more readable format. <http://greateventsupport.com/freehand/freehand-lessons/freehand-tutorial.html>
var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
oInitialization. property1 = "value1";
oInitialization. property2 = "value2";
mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, oInitialization);

The initialization object, or init object, can be extremely useful in at least two ways:
· You can use the initialization object to initialize the new instance with its own values for built-in movie clip properties, such as _x, _y, _rotation, and so on. By default, the duplicate retains the values for these properties from the original movie clip.
· // Create a duplicate movie clip positioned at 300,300.
· mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, {_x: 300, _y: 300});

· You can use the init object to initialize a new instance with copies of the custom method definitions (such as event handler methods) of the original movie clip. By default, custom method definitions are not copied from the original to the duplicate movie clip. However, you can use a for… in loop to populate an initialization object with all the custom properties and methods of the original movie clip, and then pass that initialization object to the duplicateMovieClip( ) method:
· // Create the init object.
· var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
· // Use a for…in loop to loop through all the custom properties and methods of
· // the original movie clip instance, and add them to the init object.
· for(var sItem:String in mOriginalInstance) {
· oInitialization [sItem] = mOriginalInstance[sItem];
· }
· mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, oInitialization);

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